Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment


Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)

Following nationwide application of the policy on 12 February 2024 and additional measures for small sites from 2 April 2024, developers in the West Midlands are required to consider whether a Biodiversity Net Gain approach needs to be factored into their development plans.

It doesn’t strictly apply to all developments, but as it is relevant in most schemes moving forward, it is possible that the West Midlands Combined Authority and other local authorities are expecting evidence that BNG has been adhered to correctly.

What is BNG?

Introduced within the Environment Act 2021, mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) calls on developers to increase the condition of the natural environment to a measurably better state than beforehand in all applicable projects.

For it to be successful, existing ecological value should be retained and improved upon by at least a further 10% increase, any practices that could impact the environment should be reduced or eliminated, and the proposed changes should last a minimum of 30 years.

Biodiversity Net Gain in the West Midlands Area

At least 30 different local councils are scattered throughout the West Midlands county, and up until the rollout at the start of 2024, a two-year transition period was in place to enable each local authority and all affected developers to become better accustomed to the planning policy. Now an active component in planning, biodiversity net gain contributes to efforts to combat climate change, net zero initiatives, sections of UK government legislation such as the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. and existing elements of the planning system, such as the local nature recovery strategy (LNRS) and local plans.

While it doesn’t apply to all schemes such as small scale self-build projects with fewer than ten dwellings on sites no larger than 0.5 hectares, BNG will apply to major developments such as nationally significant infrastructure projects. Delivering biodiversity net gain can also include more steps and measures if it involves sites of special scientific interest (SSSI), the need for a conservation covenant or the acquisition of a European protected species licence (EPSL) from Natural England. Due to the many moving parts, seeking help to reach the BNG objective from Midland Ecology would be highly advisable.

BNG Assessment

BNG Plan and Report

BNG Cost and Timing

On a planned date, an ecological consultant will need to attend the development site, conduct a BNG assessment and record all natural habitats present.

Each existing habitat will be converted into a numerical figure, and with them all combined using the latest statutory biodiversity metric, a pre-development biodiversity value can be confirmed.

A secondary metric to highlight the predicted state of the site post-development can then be assembled using the plans and additional information from the developer.

Comparisons between the two readings will give the ecologist an indication of how to achieve BNG, such as through creating or enhancing habitats, the mitigation hierarchy and off-site biodiversity gains.


When the inspection process has been completed, the ecological surveyor will move on to creating the subsequent biodiversity gain plan and report.

Biodiversity net gain reports clearly set out the results from an assessment and biodiversity net gain plans break down each step needed to deliver BNG on the site, explaining at length how net loss will be avoided, irreplaceable habitats will be supported, and measurable improvements will conclude in a net gain of biodiversity.

The proposed approach to development can then be passed on to the local planning authority to help see planning permissions granted. If delivering BNG cannot be provided on-site, a last resort option will be to purchase statutory biodiversity credits from land managers on a biodiversity gain sites register, securing off-site biodiversity units.

Factors that could restrict when and how you arrange for a mandatory BNG assessment include the cost and timing.

As for the price of measuring biodiversity and meeting the BNG requirements, a baseline cost will be used before increasing it based on the size and scale of the site and project. It will include the cost of evaluating each natural habitat, setting out the environmental outcomes and nature based solutions in the report, and submitting planning decisions and legal agreements in the plan.

In terms of the timing, biodiversity net gain information about the site must be retrieved before any development works. A BNG assessment can be carried out at any time of year, but as protected species surveys are seasonal, it is often advised to arrange the survey between April and October.

Ensure Your Development Delivers Biodiversity Net Gain

If you want an ecological consultant with knowledge of the local communities, local government and local planning authorities matched with experience understanding BNG, nature conservation and working on small development and major development projects in the West Midlands, choose Midland Ecology. Our team provide further guidance to permitted development through a combination of skills, incorporating elements of the environment agency, land management strategies, direction from an applicable responsible body, good practice guidelines, and any new guidance as and when it releases.

Arrange for professionals to meet the BNG requirement and legal agreement within the red line boundary of your development site or using off-site measures by speaking to our team. Please contact us by emailing, calling or filling out a form online. You can then request a quote, and once we’ve told you how much it will cost and when we can attend your site, you can decide whether you would like to move forward with Midland Ecology.  We can then assist you every step of the way with on-site or off-site gains, steps to generate BNG units through new habitat creation and compensation for any habitat lost, buy legally secured statutory credits if required, work with the biodiversity gain hierarchy, and help with obtaining planning permission.

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